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See how we are helping inform TfL’s L&D plans
>TfL was a key partner in the delivery of a magnificent Olympics and Paralympics in 2012. This required a new feat of collaboration across the business after which the TfL teams did not wish to revert to the previous way of working. Interviews with Senior Directors led the organisation to understand there were several principal issues. One was a lack of a common view of what good looked like at Director level. Another was a lack of consistent approach to managing talent into MD roles.
360º feedback consultancy. A programme was developed to help Directors tackle five business challenges which included three principal strands. Two of the strands involved Talent Innovations. TfL conducted a tender process to find a 360º feedback consultancy and following this tender period Talent Innovations was appointed.
The first strand was an executive level 360º programme with coaching and theme analysis – delivered for 52 Directors. This was mapped to TfL’s five behaviours.
Directors were aligned to a Talent Innovations coach – matching experience, personality and chemistry to ensure the best fit and a true partnership approach could be taken.
The second strand was an Executive Education Programme delivered by Cass Business School. The 360º feedback results fed into the executive education design and Talent Innovations presented the themes for each Director on module 1 of the Cass programme.
Analysis of the themes has allowed Talent Innovations to further refine the 360º to create a follow-up “pulse survey” specially designed for Directors as they roll off the full programme. The “pulse” will measure the shift in Director behaviours observed by their teams. Further, the report has inspired Divisional Heads to request further analysis of their own team’s data to inform the L&D plans for the coming year.
TfL have asked Talent Innovations to conduct the 360º feedback programme, including coaching, for their next level of managers, as well as their HR Business Partners.
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2 Manor Farm Court,
Milton Keynes,
Bucks MK12 5NN, UK.
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